

-美國精品咖啡協會國際咖啡品質鑑定師(CQI/SCAA Q-grader)
-歐洲精品咖啡協會授權考官(Authorized SCAE Trainer)
 歐洲精品咖啡協會中級及高級咖啡師考官(SCAE Barista Skills Intermediate & Professional Certifier)
 C&G授權國際咖啡調配師及課程內部評審員(City & Guilds International Assured International Barista Skill & Internal Verifier & Trainer)
 SCA精品咖啡協會咖啡文憑Specialty Coffee Association Coffee Diploma)
 SCA精品咖啡協會咖啡烘焙高級資格(SCA Roasting Professional)
 SCA精品咖啡協會咖啡沖煮高級資格(SCA Brewing Professional)
 SCA精品咖啡協會咖啡感官高級資格(SCA Sensory Professional)
 ERB職業再培訓局咖啡導師資格。
 2016年更獲得仁愛堂頒發傑出導師獎
 2016學界咖啡比賽冠軍教練
 2017 Cup Taster in Hong Kong final egiht
 2017 杯測師大賽香港區八强
 2018 RASV Australian International Coffee Silver Award 澳洲RASV國際咖啡烘焙比賽銀獎
 2018 International Coffee Roast Master Championship - 2nd Runner-up
 TOPER國際烘焙大師賽2018 香港賽區季軍
 2022 IICCT Level 1 & Level 2 Certificate in Chocolate Tasting – The International Institute of Chocolate and Cacao Tasting London School
 2021-2022僱員再培訓局ERB傑出導師獎
 2023 香港職業發展服務業EDS傑出導師獎
 2023 年亞太地區 Bean-to-Bar 和工藝巧克力大賽評審 2023 Judge of Asia-Pacific Bean-to-Bar and Craft Chocolatier Competition


林先生曾為多個,公私營團體、商場、會所,如仁愛堂、楊震社、香港警察、理工大學、香港教育學院、香港腦科學會、聖公會、童軍總會、生產力促進局、循道衛理、謝瑞麟、嘉士伯、東華三院、社會福利處、LV、陶示化工、AEON、宏利保險、東亞銀行、瑞信、擎天半島,戒毒中心......, 設計及教授拉花或咖啡課程,除教授課程外,林先生亦曾在不同的、電視節目(如愛回家和On call 36小時)、廣告(雀巢和康宏)商場和展覽如香港烘培展、奧海城等,示範拉花技術或參與咖啡顧問工作。


Sam Ng
 2016 Cup Taster in Hong Kong first runner up
 2016 杯測師大賽香港區亞軍
 2017 Aeropress Championship - HK region Top 8
 2017 愛樂壓大賽香港區前八
 City & Guilds International Award in Barista Skill & Assessor
 C&G國際咖啡調配師及考官
 SCAE Coffee Diploma
 歐洲精品咖啡協會咖啡文憑
 SCAE - Barista Skills Level 1 and Professional
 歐洲精品咖啡協會咖啡師中級及高級証書
 SCAE - Sensory Intermediate and Professional
 歐洲精品咖啡協會感官中級及高級証書
 SCAE - Grinder & Brewing Level 1 & 2
 歐洲精品咖啡協會沖泡中級及高級証書
 SCAE - Green Bean intermediate
 歐洲精品咖啡協會生豆中級証書
 WSET® Level 1 Award in Wines
 2022 IICCT Level 1 & Level 2 Certificate in Chocolate Tasting – The International Institute of Chocolate and Cacao Tasting London School

Lokman Leung
 2019 RASV Australian International Coffee Bronze Award 澳洲RASV國際咖啡烘焙比賽銅獎
 2017 Toper Roast Master in Hong Kong first runner up
 2017 Toper 盃咖啡烘焙大師賽香港區亞軍
 2018 RASV Australian International Coffee Bronze Award 澳洲RASV國際咖啡烘焙比賽銅獎
 2018 Brewing Fest 2018 Championship 2018 Fest 咖啡沖煮比賽冠軍
 2018 International Coffee Roast Master Championship - 1st Runner-up
 TOPER國際烘焙大師賽2018 香港賽區亞
 Hong Kong AeroPress Championship 2019- 1st Runner-up
 2019年香港愛樂壓比賽 香港賽區亞軍
 City & Guilds International Award in Barista Skill
 C&G 國際咖啡調配師
 SCAE - Barista Skills Level 1 and Professional
 歐洲精品咖啡協會咖啡師中級及高級証書
 SCAE - Green Bean Level 1
 歐洲精品咖啡協會生豆中級証書
 SCAE - Sensory Level 1
 歐洲精品咖啡協會感官中級証書

Company history of Coffee Award 公司歷年咖啡獎項:
 Champion of Toper Cup Roast Master Championship 2016 (Whole Mainland & Hong Kong)
 2016 Toper咖啡烘焙大師賽中國及香港區冠軍
 First runner up of Hong Kong Cup taster Championship 2016
 2016香港杯測師大賽香港區亞軍
 First runner up of Coffee Power Roasting Championship 2016
 Coffee Power 咖啡烘焙比賽亞軍
 Trainer of The Champion of School Latte art Championship 2016
 2016學界咖啡比賽冠軍教練
 2017 Toper 盃咖啡烘焙大師賽香港區亞軍
 2017 Cup Taster in Hong Kong final egiht
 2017 杯測師大賽香港區八强
 2018 RASV Australian International Coffee Bronze Award 澳洲RASV國際咖啡烘焙比賽銅獎
 2018 RASV Australian International Coffee Silver Award 澳洲RASV國際咖啡烘焙比賽銀獎
 2018 Brewing Fest 2018 Championship 2018 Fest 咖啡沖煮比賽冠軍
 2018 International Coffee Roast Master Championship - 1st &2nd Runner-up
 TOPER國際烘焙大師賽2018 香港賽區亞軍及季軍
 2019 RASV Australian International Coffee Bronze Award 澳洲RASV國際咖啡烘焙比賽銅獎
 2019 1st Runner-up - Hong Kong AeroPress Championship
 2019年香港愛樂壓比賽 香港賽區亞軍